Financial FixHER™ Podcast

100: ONE HUNDRED! From Car Recordings to Financial Wisdom

Amanda DeLaney

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The Financial FixHER Podcast has hit 100 episodes! Join Amanda as she takes a refreshing pause to consider the journey of the podcast thus far. Over nearly three years, the podcast has welcomed 48 inspiring guests, each sharing their unique paths toward financial liberation.

As Amanda contemplates the possibility of pausing the podcast, a pivotal conversation with a coach reaffirms the importance of continuing to offer knowledge, inspiration, and empowerment.

Rooted in the wisdom of her grandparents, whose legacy is deeply intertwined with her financial evolution, Amanda shares profound insights. Join her on this emotional and reflective episode, celebrating the past while setting ambitious goals for the future.

Mentioned in the episode:
Amanda’s podcast producer Taryn Sowa
Amanda's video coach Jim Beard

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To connect with me and ask deeper questions, send me a private message here: Amanda DeLaney [FB Messenger]

FREE FixHER Money Method™ Resources & ways to connect:

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Connect & tag me on IG [share your take-aways]: @financialfixher

xo, Amanda DeLaney - Financial FixHER™