Financial FixHER™ Podcast

101: Happy Halloween: 7 Ways to keep the Boogeyman at Bay

Amanda DeLaney

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Ever had that chilling dread of an elusive Boogeyman? In this episode of the Financial Fixer podcast, Amanda shares about her recent encounters with him and how fear is showing up in her life.

Amanda delves into the idea that this Boogeyman often represents our own fears and self-sabotage, especially when we're on a path of self-improvement. She talks about her recent experiences of self-doubt and the negative self-talk that crept in. Amanda emphasizes the importance of confronting these inner Boogeymen and not allowing them to hold us back or sabotage our progress.

Join Amanda as she delves into the realm of fear and self-improvement, and discover how to conquer the Boogeyman that may be lurking in your life.

Mentioned in the episode:
The Huberman Lab YouTube video:

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xo, Amanda DeLaney - Financial FixHER™